Archives: Programm Archiv

Elisa Shua Dusapin: Winter in Sokcho

He, a French comic artist, is a guest at the boarding house where she, a young South Korean woman, works. They meet in the freezing cold of Sokcho, a coastal town just outside of North Korea. The story of their relationship is told in clear, concentrated language. Awarded the Robert

»…right?« – in remembrance of Rolf Hosfeld [1948–2021]

In memory of the friend, author, Germanist, cultural historian, documentary filmmaker, director of the Peter-Weiss-Stiftung für Kunst und Politik e.V. [executing agency of the international literary festivals in Berlin and Odessa], who died in 2021, and whose great services, especially his recognition of the Armenian genocide as director of the

Radka Denemarková: Stunden aus Blei

Along with historical digressions, quotations from Chinese classics and essayistic passages, this major political novel about contemporary China shows the development of individual characters in the resistance, but also criticizes European capitalism and Western arrogance. »The novel shows what it can mean to continue to hold on to hope for

Jana Hensel and Daniel Cohn-Bendit: The Fight for Freedom and Democracy – How Far Must It Go?

Mit welchen militärischen Maßnahmen muss der Krieg Russlands in der Ukraine seitens der westlichen Staatengemeinschaft begegnet werden? Können die von Russland militärisch besetzen Gebiete zurückerobert werden? Wenn ja: wie? Sind die Lieferung schwerer Waffen und das Definieren einer Flugverbotszone tatsächlich fahrlässige Maßnahmen, die automatisch eine weitere Eskalation provozieren oder muss

Tatev Hovhannisyan [participates remotely] and Maxim Edwards: True Stories – About investigative journalism

Bellingcat ist ein 2014 gegründetes internationales Recherchekollektiv, das Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit und internationale Konflikte thematisiert – so den durch russisches Militär herbeigeführten Absturz des Flugzeuges MH17, die Ermordung Oppositioneller in Russland oder den Einsatz von russischen Streubomben in Syrien und der Ukraine. Der Rechercheverbund NDR, WDR, Süddeutsche Zeitung ist

Marit Kapla: Osebol

In her debut, the August Prize winner condenses the biographies of the forty remaining inhabitants of a forest village in Värmland, Sweden, into a moving, compelling hymn to ordinary people. »›Osebol‹ bears witness to ordinary lives. It gives us, unmediated, the voices of people who are usually unheard and invites

Sergei Loznitsa: Auschwitz / Austerlitz

Shot in black and white and using a freeze frame device, this film poses the question of appropriate commemoration. People are shown crowding through memorials like Sachsenhausen or Dachau, but also individuals who grasp something essential about the Holocaust during their visit. »The film asks us how we formulate universally