Welcome to the press department of the ilb.


Accreditation for the 24th ilb

The 24th international literature festival berlin will take place from September 5 to 14, 2024. The Young Program of ilb will take place from September 9 to 18, 2024 at Haus der Berliner Festspiele and other venues.

Accreditation for media representatives (print, online, radio, TV) for the 24th ilb is now open. Please note that only accredited journalists have access to the festival’s events.

The final decision on an accreditation application rests with the international literature festival berlin. Please fill out this form and send it to us along with a scan or copy of your press card. We try to process your request as quickly as possible.

Press Material

You can find all press information on the 24th international literature festival berlin (ilb) in our digital press kit. There, you can also access all relevant press photos and material for your press coverage on ilb.

Press Releases

Press Release of July 3, 2024: Program start ticket sale kickoff 24th international literature festival berlin

Press Release of April 16, 2024: Salman Rushdie’s Memoir »Knife. Meditations After an Attempted Murder« on May 16, 2024, at Deutsches Theater Berlin. German Book Premiere as part of the international literature festival berlin

Press Release of February 7, 2024: Helon Habila is Curator in Residence for the 24th international literature festival berlin

Press Release of December 14, 2023: »Wortzauber gegen Buchfrust« – international literature festival berlin reimagines literacy promotion (in German)

Press Release of September 17, 2023

Press Release of August 29, 2023

Press Release of August 1, 2023

Press Mailing List

You want to be updated about the ilb? Stay up-to-date by signing up to our Press Mailing List.


Press at ilb
Laura Schleussner
E-Mail: presse@literaturfestival.com
Tel.: +49 30 27 87 86 42
Frankenallee 13
14052 Berlin