
Atmo [© Bernhard Ludewig] (117)
Atmo [© Bernhard Ludewig] (117)

As a meeting place and platform for all literature lovers, the ilb welcomes discussions on literary and social topics on its social media channels. There is room for exchange and debate and all are welcome to share their views, stories and opinions.

To ensure that this exchange is a positive experience for all, we would like to ask all users to respect the following rules:

Protect your privacy
Please do not share private information about yourself or others. Posts that contain sensitive information about you or others – address, email address, phone number, etc. – will be removed.

Keep to the point
We welcome constructive discussions of any kind – if they are in the right place. Please always comment the post to which your contribution fits in terms of content and do not repeat the same message in other contexts. Posts without reference to the ongoing discussion may be removed.

Everybody speaks for themselves
The views of the commenting users do not necessarily reflect the views of the ilb, just as the positions of our staff and partners do not necessarily reflect the views of the ilb.

Respect other positions
Avoid hateful, defamatory, obscene, discriminatory and offensive comments, photos and videos, as well as posts that personally attack other discussants. Posts of this nature may be deleted. Racist, sexist and xenophobic comments will not be tolerated and will result in you being blocked.

Do not advertise
Avoid posts that advertise others or yourself. We will remove any links, images or videos that promote third party people, products or services.

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