»…right?« – in remembrance of Rolf Hosfeld [1948–2021]

In memory of the friend, author, Germanist, cultural historian, documentary filmmaker, director of the Peter-Weiss-Stiftung für Kunst und Politik e.V. [executing agency of the international literary festivals in Berlin and Odessa], who died in 2021, and whose great services, especially his recognition of the Armenian genocide as director of the Lepsius House in Potsdam, have earned countless merits. His books on Heinrich Heine, Kurt Tucholsky, Hegel, Marx, »Operation Nemesis«, and Germany as well as his work as a publishing editor set high standards.
A tribute by Ulrich Schreiber, Roy Knocke, Michael Jäger, and Hermann Pölking-Eiken, Roland Stelter and the Fantasia in F Minor by Franz Schubert, played by Gerhard Herrgott and Marija Moßburger.

Language: German


Saturday, 2022-09-10