12. Graphic Novel Day – Bruno Duhamel: Fausses Pistes/ Anneli Furmark: Walk Me to the Corner

For 15 years, Frank starred in a western show. His role, that of the famous Marshall Jack Johnson, has become his second identity. But then he loses his job. With his severance pay and a Colt in his pocket, Frank embarks on a journey to the original locations of the show. Bruno Duhamel, who won the 2020 Francomic Competition for »Jamais«, humorously tells of the contradictions in the character of his protagonist and the country he travels.

Elise, in her mid-fifties, married with two grown children, is an all-around happy person. When she meets Dagmar by chance at a party, she falls in love with a ferocity that changes her life. »However painful to read, it captures so brilliantly […] the unexpectedness of sudden desire in middle age« [Guardian].

Moderation: Lilian Pithan
Languages: English, French

Tickets at the box office at silent green Kulturquartier


Saturday, 2022-09-10