Major Topics and Discussions at the 24th ilb

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Dear Readers, 

What draws audiences to visit the international literature festival berlin beyond the literary program? Of course the festival experience, but also the opportunity to engage in conversations with authors and experts. As always, this year we are bringing well-known writers, scientists, journalists, and politicians to the stage to discuss pressing issues, showcase diverse perspectives, and present thoughtful solutions. 

When friends ask me which of these discussion events I would particularly recommend, my answers really vary. We are presenting so many exciting panel discussions, talks, and nonfiction books at the 24th international literature festival berlin. that it is challenging to single out any highlights. 

I certainly encourage you to discover for yourself the rich spectrum of our program, which is reflected in the five events below:  

On the panel »City, Country, Trap,« the author Karen Duve, human geographer Johann Braun, and sociologist Rainald Manthe discuss if one can talk about an urban-rural divide in terms of quality of life and voting preferences – both domestically and internationally.  
City, Country, Trap I Su 8 Sep I 16:00  

In »Displacement and Peace,« the author-couple Günter Verheugen and Petra Erler, along with refugee policy expert Gerald Knaus and security expert Claudia Major debate to what extent calls for peace bring solutions and security for Europe in the face of the war of aggression against Ukraine.Displacement and Peace I Tu 10 Sep I 18:00 

Said Etris Hashemi discusses institutional racism in Germany with journalist Gilda Sahebi and lawyer Tobias Singelnstein, in a conversation moderated by Stephan Anpalagan. He explains why the attack in Hanau is far from an isolated case.  
Hanau ist kein Einzelfall I We  11 Sep I 18:00  

Davi Kopenawa, recipient of the 2019 Right Livelihood Award, will travel exclusively from the Amazon rainforest to speak on the panel »Nature Force« with Mirjam Herrmann from the »Last Generation«  about the global climate catastrophe and ways to break the cycle of violence.  
Nature Force I Th 12 Sep I 18:00  

During an event at the Documentation Centre for Displacement, Expulsion, Reconciliation, guests including Sasha Marianna Salzmann, Tahir Hamut Izgil, Ronya Othmann, and Olga Bubich spend an evening discussing traumas and draw interactive attention to the challenges and opportunities of narrating collective experiences of violence.  
Shared Trauma: A Night of Remembering I Fr 13 Sep I 18:00  

With this short selection from our nonfiction program, I encourage you to join us from September 5 to 14 at the Haus der Berliner Festspiele and other locations. Enjoy this open exchange of ideas, which I hope will inspire and spark your enthusiasm!  

Nora Mengel

(Program Manager)