Herkunft: Spain

Juan Gabriel Vásquez

Juan Gabriel Vásquez was born in 1973 in Bogotá, Colombia, where he studied law before pursuing a degree in Latin American literature in Paris (1996–1999). Along with his writing work, Vásquez has also translated texts by Victor Hugo, E. M. Foster and John Dos Passos into Spanish and worked as

José Luis de Juan

José Luis de Juan was born in Palma in 1956. At the age of 17 he wrote an award-winning novella about Hemingway.  Later he studied Law and Information Science in Barcelona and worked as a lawyer, before starting to write again. For his novels he received various Spanish literature awards,

Josep Pedrals

was born 1979 Barcelona, has performed poetry on stage since 1997. Worked for radio and TV and presented various plays as in 2005 the Wamba va! Show the Mercat de les Flors Theatre. Author of several collections of poetry. His latest book and disc »En/doll«, was created in collaboration with

Jorge Semprún

Jorge Semprún was born in Madrid in 1923. At the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War in 1936 the upper middle class, leftist liberal family fled to Paris, where Semprún attended the Lycée Henri IV. While studying Philosophy at the Sorbonne he focused on Marx and Hegel, whom he read

Jordi Peidro

Jordi Peidro was born in 1965 in Alcoy in the Spanish province of Alicante. He has been working as a cartoonist for over thirty years and is the author of numerous plays and novels. With »La herencia del mar« (2014) under the pseudonym Melchor Mombo he delivered the first part

Jorge Eduardo Benavides

Jorge Eduardo Benavides was born in Arequipa, Peru, in 1964. He studied Law and Political Science at the Garcilaso de la Vega University in Lima but decided against a career as a lawyer and instead began to work as a radio journalist, including working as head of a news staff.

Jorge Edwards

born in 1931, is a Chilean diplomat and writer. His works have won many awards; they reflect his many years on the political stage. He wrote the novel »Persona non grata« (1973) about his time as ambassador in Havana; it is a satire on Cuba under Castro. After the coup

Jesús Ferrero

Jesús Ferrero was born in 1952 in the Spanish province of Zamora. After completing his secondary education he studied literature in Zaragoza for a while and then moved to Paris to study ancient Greek history at the Sorbonne.  Since 1995 he has been living in Madrid where he teaches literature.  Jesús Ferrero,

Javier de Isusi

Javier de Isusi was born in 1972 in Bilbao. As a child, he loved the comic book series »Asterix«, »The Adventures of Tintin« and »Blueberry«, moving onto the superhero genre as a teenager. He studied architecture in San Sebastián and Lisbon, during which time he discovered the work of Milo

Javier Marías

Javier Marías Franco was born in Madrid in 1951 as the son of the philosopher Julián Marías Aguilera, who was imprisoned and banned from teaching for criticizing the Franco regime. For this reason, Javier Marías spent part of his childhood in the United States, where his father taught at various

Javier Cercas

Javier Cercas was born in Ibahernando/Cáceres, Spain in 1962. After two years of teaching at the University of Illinois, USA, he has been Professor of Spanish Literature at the University of Gerona since 1989. He has published literary works, translations, and essays and writes a regular column for »El País.«