On March 20, 2006, the “Annual Day of Political Lies” and the “Worldwide Readings“ were initiated by the Peter-Weiss-Stiftung für Kunst und Politik e.V. In the scope of these events, cultural institutions and interested persons in different cities around the world were invited to participate in organizing readings. Ever since, the “Worldwide Readings” have taken place once or twice a year and are dedicated to internationally relevant political topics such as the Charta 2008 or politically active figures such as Edward Snowden, Anna Politkovskaya, and Mahmoud Darwish. The events and campaigns are meant to contribute to a better awareness of topics and to develop forms of political communication. You can find details about all “Worldwide Readings” here.

»Worldwide Reading« of Iranian literature on December 10, 2022
Call The international literature festival berlin [ilb] is calling on individuals, schools, universities, cultural institutions and media to

»Worldwide Reading« of Novels and Essays by Salman Rushdie on 29th September 2022
Ladies and gentlemen,dear friends, The assassination attempt on Salman Rushdie still has us in shock. We are hereby
Worldwide Reading of Ukrainian Literature on September 7, 2022.
The international literature festival berlin [ilb], in cooperation with the Frankfurt Book Fair, PEN Berlin, and the German PEN Centre, calls
Worldwide Reading for the dead of the pandemic on September 5th 2021
Das internationale literaturfestival berlin [ilb] ruft Einzelpersonen, Schulen, Universitäten, Kultureinrichtungen und Medien dazu auf, sich am 5. September
Worldwide Reading for the Democracy Movement in Hong Kong on 9th September 2020
The international literature festival berlin [ilb] is calling on individuals, schools, universities, cultural institutions and the media for
Worldwide Reading for Freedom of Expression on 11th September 2019
Das internationale literaturfestival berlin [ilb] ruft Individuen, Schulen, Universitäten, Medien und kulturelle Institutionen zu einer Weltweiten Lesung für
Worldwide Reading for Freedom of the Press and in Memory of Jamal Khashoggi on 10th December 2018
On December 10, 1948, 70 years ago, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was announced by the United
Worldwide Reading for a new drug policy on 24th November 2018
The Peter-Weiss-Stiftung für Kunst und Politik call upon cultural and political institutions, schools, universities, NGOs, information centers and
Worldwide Reading for Human Rights on 6th September 2017
Das internationale literaturfestival berlin (ilb) ruft alle Menschen, Institutionen und Medien, denen die Menschenrechte wichtig sind, dazu auf,
Worldwide Reading for Democracy without Populism on 7th September 2016
Das internationale literaturfestival berlin (ilb) ruft alle Menschen, Institutionen und Medien, denen Demokratie wichtig ist, dazu auf, am
Worldwide Reading of selected poems and other texts in support of Ashraf Fayadh on 14.01.2016
The international literature festival Berlin (ilb) calls on all individuals, institutions, schools and media outlets that care about
Worldwide Reading Commemorating the Centenary of the Armenian Genocide on 21th April 2015
The international literature festival berlin (ilb) and the Lepsiushaus Potsdam are calling for a worldwide reading on 21