Herkunft: Turkey

Ece Temelkuran

Ece Temelkuran was born in Izmir, Turkey, in 1973. Before graduating in law from Ankara University in 1995, she worked as a journalist for Turkey’s oldest newspaper »Cumhuriyet« and in 1996 published her first book »Bütün Kadınların Kafası Karışıktır« [tr: All Women Are Confused], in which she denounces the high

Demir Özlü

Demir Özlü was born in Istanbul in 1935. There he studied Law at university and after graduating in 1959 moved to France, where he studied Philosophy at the Sorbonne. He went on to work as an academic assistant in the field of Philosophy of Law, and later practised law.  After the

Burhan Sönmez

The Kurdish-Turkish author Burhan Sönmez was born in 1965 in Haymana near Ankara, where he also grew up. His interest in literature was awakened early on by his mother, and he spoke both Turkish and Kurdish from a very early age. Sönmez completed a bachelor of laws and worked for

Ayşe Kulin

Ayşe Kulin was born in 1941 in Istanbul. Her Bosnian father Muhittin Kulin helped to build up the Ministry for Water and her mother, Sitare Hanım, was a Circassian and granddaughter of the first Ottoman Minister for Economic Affairs. Kulin grew up in Ankara but spent the summer months in

Asli Erdoğan

Aslı Erdoğan was born in Istanbul in 1967. With her origins in the secular middle class, she attended the English-medium school Robert Lisesi and studied computer science at the Bosphorus University, Istanbul. She then worked at the Faculty for Physics at her university and for the European Organisation for Nuclear