Herkunft: Hungary

Ferenc Szijj

Ferenc Szijj was born in Szombathely, Hungary, in 1958.  From 1978 to 1984 he studied Hungarian Studies and German Language and Literature at the József Attila University in Szeged.  After concluding his studies, he taught German at high school level, worked as a librarian at the university library in Budapest,

Dorka Gryllus

Dorka Gryllus, born in Budapest in 1972, is a Hungarian actress. From 1994 to 1998 she studied acting at the Theater and Film Academy in Budapest. Parallel to her theater work, she took part in various Hungarian film and television productions from the mid-1990s onwards. In Germany she became known

Attila Bartis

Attila Bartis was born in Marosvásárhely, in the Transylvanian region of Romania, in 1968. His family belonged to the Hungarian minority there, and his father, a journalist, faced discrimination up until their departure for Budapest in 1984. Once in the Hungarian capital Bartis studied to become a photographer, a profession

Anna T. Szabó

was born 1972 in Cluj-Napoca (Transylvania). She moved to Hungary and studied English and Hungarian in Budapest, receiving her doctorate in 2001. Her poetry describes the personal in a matter-of-fact tone. She works as a translator, journalist, literary critic (among others at the »Hungarian Quarterly«) and was editor of the

Anna Zilahi

born in Pécs, Hungary in 1990, is currently studying Transmedia Art in Vienna. Her first book of poems, »A bálna nem motívum« (tr: The Whale is not a Motif«, was published in 2017. She is a founding member of xtro realm, a group of visual artists who use various methods

András Nyerges

András Nyerges was born in 1940. After receiving a doctorate in Budapest he worked for Hungarian radio and as reader and editor of a daily newspaper. Nyerges has published six novels, several collections of poems, short stories, translations as well as essays, and has received various prizes. His most recent

András Petöcz

András Petőcz was born in Budapest in 1959. After graduating from Budapest University he became an editor of the journal »Jelenlét« (tr: Presence). In 1983 he founded a »second public« association to promote the avantgarde in the arts and literature, »Medium Art«. The group had close ties to the democratic

András Forgách

András Forgách, born in 1952, is one of the most influential figures in the Hungarian cultural world. The multi-award-winning, versatile author has written numerous plays, staged plays at various theaters, written screenplays for several films, and is a translator of literary works from English, French, and German. Since 2010 Forgách

András Kovács

born in 1947 in Budapest, where he studied Philosophy, History and Sociology. From 1978 to 1990 he was banned from academia due to his political activity in the democratic opposition. He is professor at the Central European University in Budapest, and a senior researcher at the Institute for Minority Research

András Baranyai

András Baranyai, born in 1974 in Hungary, studied Graphic Design at the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design in Budapest and currently works as a freelance graphic designer as well as illustrator. In recent years he has published children’s and textbook illustrations in particular. In these he combines classic illustration

Ádám Bodor

Ádám Bodor was born in 1936 in the Transylvanian city of Cluj (today Cluj-Napoca in Romania). Personal experiences with religious and cultural diversity, working poverty and the political mindset of his parents influenced the writer and his work. In opposition to the communist government even in his youth, Bodor believed