Herkunft: Hungary

Mihály Víg

Mihály Víg was born in Budapest in 1957 into a family of musicians. At the age of 21 he founded the band »Balaton«, with whom he still performs. Between 1982 and 1985 he was a member of the band »Trabant«, whose concerts were considered to be legendary events in the

Mátyás Dunajcsik

The Hungarian poet, writer and translator Mátyás Dunajcsik was born in 1983 in Budapest. In 2011, he completed his studies at Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest with a degree in aesthetics (art theory) and French language and literature. Around 2000 he began publishing poetry and prose as well as essays


Ludditák is the name of a hip hop project founded in 2000 by the sisters MC Móki and MC Tita. In 2003 they published their first tape, with weird rap lyrics on hip hop beats. Ludditák became known in Hungary via the Internet. Their next album brought them national fame.

Lidi Kupcsik

was born in Miskolc, Hungary’s third largest city, in 1981. In 2006, she successfully completed a master’s degree in Hungarian studies. In spite of her claim, »I write hard and little«, she has already published poetry and prose in a number of anthologies. The author’s collection of poems »a.k.a.« was

László Darvasi

László Darvasi was born in the small town of Törökszentmiklós near Budapest in 1962. He spent most of his life in Szeged, a university city in the south of the country close to the Serbian border. In 1986 he gained a teaching diploma at the University of Szeged and taught

László Földényi

Lazslo Foldenyi was born in 1952. He is an art historian, literary scholar and essayist. He worked as a dramatic advisor and has translated numerous contemporary dramatists. He is co-editor of the Hungarian Kleist edition. His essay ‘Heinrich von Kleist. Im Netz der Wörter’ (1999), was enthusiastically reviewed by the

László Krasznahorkai

László Krasznahorkai was born in 1954 in Gyula, Hungary. He studied law in Szeged and Hungarian language and literature in Budapest. In 1985 his début novel »Sátántangó« (Eng. »Satantango«, 2012) appeared, which was later adapted by Krasznahorkai for Béla Tarr’s film of the same name (1994). The collaboration between the

László Márton

László Márton was born in Budapest, Hungary, in 1959. He studied Hungarian Studies, German Language and Literature, and Sociology at the Loránd Eötvös University in Budapest. From 1983 to 1990 he worked as an editor at Helikon Publishing in Budapest and then started to work as a freelance writer. In

Lajos Parti Nagy

Lajos Parti Nagy was born in Szeksz�rd, Hungary in 1953. His father was an officer, so he grew up in various Hungarian cities. Although Parti Nagy studied Literature and History at the Pedagogical College in P�cs, he has never taught. In the 70�s and 80�s he lived in P�cs, where

Krisztián Grecsó

Krisztián Grecsó was born in the village of Szegvár in 1976. He works as editor and critic for the two most important Hungarian literary journals. His collection of short stories »Pletykaanyu« (t: Tattletale) was named best prose book of 2001 and unleashed a scandal. In his novel »Lange nicht gesehn«

Krisztián Ungváry

was born in Budapest in 1969 and is a historian, member of the scientific advisory panel to the ZgV (the German foundation concerned with displaced and expelled persons), and an acknowledged expert on the history of the Hungarian secret police. His book »Budapest Ostroma« (1998; Eng. »The Siege of Budapest«,