The international literature festival berlin (ilb) calls on cinemas, schools, universities, television stations, the media, cultural institutions and individuals for a worldwide screening of I Am Not Your Negro by Raoul Peck on 10 December 2020, the anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights proclaimed by the United Nations in 1948. The film illuminates the continuity of racism and documents the resistance against it, which is also articulated in art. The worldwide screening of Raoul Peck’s film is also intended to emphasize our responsibility to process the history of colonization and racism in detail. 400 years after the first slaves were brought ashore in chains in Jamestown, Virginia, the equal treatment of whites and People of Color is by no means established. Over nearly four centuries, an estimated 10-12 million enslaved Africans were transported to the Americas, mainly by European traders. More than 250 years after the abolition of the Atlantic slave trade, the equal treatment of whites and People of Color is by no means established – neither in the Americas nor in Europe nor in other regions on the globe.
Please find the Call in English and German here / Der Aufruf ist hier in englischer und deutscher Sprache verfügbar.