Herkunft: Hungary

Kornélia Deres

was born in Miskolc, a city in north-eastern Hungary, in 1987. Since 2003, her poems have frequently appeared in such publications as »Telep-Anthologie«. The author is also an active critic – particularly of theatre. She is one of the founders and publishers of »Puskin Utca«, a magazine launched in 2007.

Kati Marton

born in Budapest in 1949. Kati Marton was exiled with her family in the USA in 1957. She studied in Paris and Washington D.C., and became a correspondent for a number of American media. She wrote several historical and partly autobiographical books. »Enemies of the People« (2009) involved her investigation

Judit Hevesi

born 1990 in Hódmezővásárhely, is a poet, who worked until recently as an editor at the Hungarian publishing house Corvina Kiadó. To date, she has published two volumes of poetry: »Hálátlanok búcsúja« (2015; tr: Farewell to the Ungrateful) and »Holnap ne gyere« (2017; tr: Don’t Come Tomorrow). She has also

Jónás Tamás

Tamás Jónás was born in 1973 to a Roma family in the northern Hungarian town of Ózd, which had been forcibly industrialized in the 1950s. He lived in Csernely until the age of four. When his parents were imprisoned for their debts, he and his siblings were placed in various

István Kemény

István Kemény was born in 1961 in the Hungarian capital, Budapest. After finishing school he began studying Law, but then changed to the study of History and Hungarian Literature, and graduated in 1993. During this period Kemény, whose apartment had been an important meeting place for young writers while he

Istvan Vörös

István Vörös was born in Budapest in 1964. In addition to his jobs as library stacker and worker at a museum he published his first book of poems, »Só, kenyér« (t: Salt, bread) in 1988, together with the short story collection »Innenvilág« (t: The world from here). Following the fall

Imre Kertész

Imre Kertész was born in Budapest, Hungary, in 1929. His parents were Jewish.  At age 15, he was deported to Auschwitz and in 1945 freed from the Buchenwald concentration camp. After the war ended, Kertész worked in Communist Hungary as a journalist for the daily newspaper ‘Vilagosság’, but lost his

Id (aka István Matits)

born 1981, was surrounded by books in his childhood, then came rock & roll and journalism and everything changed for the worse. 6 years ago he was introduced to slam via the movie »Slam« by a good friend who gave him the stage name Id. Not having a local slam

Hermina Fátyol

Hermina Fátyol, born in 1982, is a Hungarian actress who began her acting career with the Maladype ensemble in Budapest, of which she is also a founding member. She studied Arabic Studies at the Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest and spent a year abroad in Damascus during her studies and

György Dalos

György Dalos was born in 1943 in Budapest where he first of all worked as a museologist after completing his history degree in Moscow. Since supporting the Hungarian movement for more democracy in its initial phases in 1977, Dalos has repeatedly campaigned against authoritarian politics, whether as editor of the

György Dragomán

György Dragomán was born in 1973 in the Romanian town Târgu Mureş. In 1988 he moved together with his parents to Hungary, where he studied English and Philosophy in Budapest and graduated with a study of Samuel Beckett’s novel »Watt«. He worked as a web designer, film critic and translator

George Szirtes

George Szirtes was born in Budapest in 1948. After the Hungarian Revolution of 1956, Szirtes and his family fled to England, where they adopted the English language and way of life. After leaving school Szirtes studied painting at the College of Art and Design in Leeds and at Goldsmith’s College,