György Dalos
- Hungary
- Zu Gast beim ilb: 2014, 2019
György Dalos was born in 1943 in Budapest where he first of all worked as a museologist after completing his history degree in Moscow. Since supporting the Hungarian movement for more democracy in its initial phases in 1977, Dalos has repeatedly campaigned against authoritarian politics, whether as editor of the East German underground magazine »Ostkreuz« shortly before the collapse of the GDR or in 2004 in his book »Ungarn in der Nußschale« (tr. Hungary in a Nutshell).
Meine Lage in der Lage
Rotbuch Verlag
Berlin, 1979
[Ü: Hans Magnus Enzensberger/Thomas Brasch]
Ungarn in der Nußschale
Geschichte meines Landes
C. H. Beck Verlag
München, 2004
Der Fall des Ökonomen
Rotbuch Verlag
Berlin, 2012
[Dt. Bearbeitung: Elsbeth Zylla]