Herkunft: Hungary

Kinga Tóth

Born in Hungary in 1983, Kinga Tóth is a polymath—linguist, visual sound poet, illustrator, cultural manager, and performance artist. Her extensive educational background in linguistics and literature imbues her creative pursuits with profound layers. Tóth composes in Hungarian, German, and English, presenting her literary works through innovative installations and performances.

Zsófia Bán

Zsófia Bán was born in 1957 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. In 1969, she returned with her parents to their home country, Hungary. After studying English and Romance Languages from 1976 to 1981 in Budapest, she studied in Lisbon, Minneapolis, and New Brunswick, curated exhibitions and worked as a doctoral

Tíméa Tankó

Tíméa Tankó was born in Leipzig in 1978 and spent her childhood in Hungary and Germany. She studied cultural studies and translation (French, Spanish) in Leipzig. Since 2003 she has been translating Hungarian literature into German, including Antal Szerb, Krisztián Grecsó, Miklós Vajda, István Kemény, and Andor Endre Gelléri. In

Szilárd Borbély

Szilárd Borbély was born in Fehérgyarmat, Hungary in 1964. After finishing his military service he studied Hungarian language and literature at Lajos Kossuth University in nearby Debrecen, specializing in the Baroque period and early nineteenth century. His first collection of poetry, »Adatok« (1988; t: Data), was published while he was

Péter Zilahy

Péter Zilahy was born in Budapest in 1970. After finishing school he studied philosophy and anthropology at the ELTE University in Budapest. From 1997 to 1999 he was managing editor of the Internet magazine »Link Budapest«, a magazine published in English and Hungarian, for contemporary literature. Since 1998 he is

Péter Nádas

Péter Nádas was born Budapest in 1942. In the 1960s he was a photo reporter and journalist, and worked for »Nök Lapja« magazine and the daily »Pest Megyei Hirlap«. At the age of 23 he gave his literary debut with »A biblia« (1967; tr.: The Bible). The novella about the

Péter Esterházy

Péter Esterházy was born in Budapest in 1950. Although his grandfather owned land on a large-scale and was prime minister from 1917 to 1918, Esterházy grew up in poverty in a remote village, to which his family had been deported after the communist seizure of power. After going to a

Péter Farkas

Péter Farkas was born in 1955 in Budapest. He studied literature, history and teaching at the Pedagogical Academy there. However, in an autobiographical retrospective, he later spoke of what he learned there as »suppressed, distorted and paternalistic-fascist«. His ambition to become a writer was just as ingrained as his mistrust

Ottó Kiss

Ottó Kiss was born in Battonya, Hungary in 1963. He studied media studies and journalism and since 1992 has been working as editor and writer for various newspapers, including »Bárka« and »Elet és Irodalom«. His literary work has appeared in several countries, and his volume of poems »Csillagszedö Márió« (2002;

Ottó Tolnai

Ottó Tolnai was born in Kanjiza in the Hungarian speaking region Vojvodina, now a part of Serbia, in 1940.  He studied Hungarian Literature, Linguistics and Philosophy in Novi Sad and Zagreb. In 1956 Tolnai’s first contributions to journals and magazines were published.  His first volume of poetry, ‘Homorú versek’ (Engl:

Orsolya Karafiath

Orsolya Karafiath was born in Budapest in 1976. She is an internationally successful, prize-winning poet and participated in her first slam in 2006 where she described herself as »not a real slam poet«, but presented an inspiring performance. She was editor of »Crete School Magazine«, and writes for various magazines,