ilb Jahre: 2014

Truus Matti

Truus Matti, born 1961 in the Netherlands, worked as an editor at several publishers and as a freelance writer, before applying to Rietveld Art Academy in Amsterdam, where she made film and animation.Her debut as a writer came with the novel »Vertrektijd« (2007; en. »Departure Time«). In this story, a

Tony Birch

Tony Birch grew up in Melbourne. Expelled from several schools as an adolescent, he did not graduate until later. Enthusiastic about literature, he decided to study at the University of Melbourne, where he has now been teaching courses in creative writing at the School of Culture and Communication for more

Tope Folarin

Tope Folarin was born in Ogden, Utah as the son of Nigerian immigrants and he grew up in Grand Prairie, Texas. He studied political science in Atlanta and then received his Master’s as a Rhodes Scholar from the University of Oxford. Following that he worked as a press speaker and

Tom Rachman

Tom Rachman was born in London in 1974 and grew up in Vancouver. Following film studies at the University of Toronto he received a master in journalism at Columbia University in New York. He subsequently served as a foreign correspondent for Associated Press in Rome, also reporting from such locations

Thorsten Unger

Thorsten Unger born in 1973, is co-founder of the multiple-prizewinning German serious games pioneer Zone 2Connect and the Wegesrand consultancy network. Speaker for film and audiovisual media in the German Cultural Council. Speaker and consultant. Advisory Council of the Stiftung Digitale Spielkultur and the USK. Author of industry articles and

Tilman Spreckelsen

Tilman Spreckelsen born in 1967 in Kronberg. He studied German language & literature and history in Freiburg. He has been an editor at the newspaper »Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung« since 2003. He also works as a publisher, columnist and author. After he had published Icelandic legends together with illustrator Kat Menschik

Thomas Rietzschel

Thomas Rietzschel was born in Dresden in 1951. He worked as a cultural correspondent for the »Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung«. In his book »Die Stunde der Dilettanten. Wie wir uns verschaukeln lassen« (2012; tr. The Age of Dilettantes. How We Let Ourselves Be Fooled), he exposes ignorance and feigned capabilites that

Tanja Witting

Tanja Witting born in 1972 and studied social pedagogy. She has looked into the effects of virtual worlds, both in her 2007 doctorate thesis at the University of Magdeburg and in her research work as a member of the academic staff at Cologne University of the Applied Sciences (1999–2012). Besides

Taras Yemchura

Taras Yemchura was born in 1992 and completed his studies at the National University of Building and Architecture in Kiev. He is an NGO activist, took part in the student protest movement and was one of the co-organisers and coordinators of the Euromaidan movement. He was invited together with his

Syksy Räsänen

Syksy Räsänen is a cosmologist at the University of Helsinki. He has earlier worked at the University of Oxford and CERN, among other places. He writes a blog, newspaper column and popular articles about science, and often gives public talks. He has co-scripted a circus show about the history of

Sunandini Banerjee

Sunandini Banerjee studied English literature at the Jadavpur University. She has been working as editor, translator, book designer and illustrator since 2000 for the renowned publisher Seagull Books in Calcutta. Her associative cover designs, which are both typographically and visually thoughtful collages, are much-praised. Banerjee digitally mixes eclectically eclectically compiled