Archives: Programm Archiv

Abdulrazak Gurnah: Afterlives

In his intergenerational saga of war and love at the dawn of the 20th century, the Nobel laureate tells the story of people struggling to maintain their integrity in the shadow of the colonial world order. »Like its predecessors, this is a novel that demands to be read and reread,

Szczepan Twardoch: Pokora

Trotz der Sehnsucht nach seiner Jugendliebe Agnes taucht der Bergarbeitersohn Alois nach Ende des Ersten Weltkriegs ein in die Berliner Halbwelt, erlebt die Revolutionswirren und schließlich die Unruhen in Oberschlesien. »Szczepan Twardoch inszeniert in ›Demut‹ ein großes Spiel mit intertextuellen Verweisen. Trotz deftiger Oberflächenreize entfaltet der Roman beachtliche Tiefenwirkung.« [DLF

Clide: The Art of Songwriting

German-American singer-songwriter and music producer Claudio Maselli, also known as Clide, who started producing music, writing, and recording songs at an early age, said in an interview that music is the best way to share, process, and let go of one’s feelings. He performs his own compositions and talks about

Hans-Jürgen Syberberg: Ein Traum, was sonst?

»›Ein Traum, was sonst?‹ is a monological meditation on the end of the War in 1945 at the time of the Fall of the Berlin Wall created with cinematic means [Nossendorf fades in before 1945] by Edith Clever as performer and H.J. Syberberg as writer and director.« [H.J. Syberberg] Length:

Jean-Christophe Rufin: The Hanged Man of Conakry

The Prix Goncourt-winning writer, former French ambassador to Senegal and vice president as well as co-founder of Médecins Sans Frontières tells the story in his crime novel of a French consul in Guinea who prefers to drink white wine in the heat of the day and play the piano at

Wolfgang Fritz Haug: Labriola und Gramsci

Antonio Labriola [1843-1904] is considered an influential Marxist of Italy. His works influenced later philosophers such as the founder of the Italian Communist Party, Antonio Gramsci [1891-1937]. The latter further developed his ideas as a political prisoner of Italian fascists between 1929 and 1935 and wrote the »Prison Notebooks«, which

Claudia Rankine: Just Us

Was bedeutet es, weiß zu sein? Mit dieser Frage setzt Claudia Rankine, preisgekrönte Autorin des Langgedichts »Citizen«, ihre Auseinandersetzung mit dem Thema race und Rassismus in den USA fort. Für ihren aktuellen Band, eine Collage aus Essays, Gedichten und Bildern, hat sie das Gespräch mit weißen Personen – Freund:innen ebenso

Jean Hanff Korelitz: The Plot

A formerly successful author, now a lecturer in creative writing at a provincial college, benefits in a very special way from the death of a former student. But someone catches on – a cat-and-mouse game begins. »A witty nightmare of a thriller about the dangerous consequences of sticky fingers in

Hans-Jürgen Syberberg: The Art of Scriptwriting

Hans-Jürgen Syberberg, geboren 1935 in Nossendorf/ Pommern [heute Mecklenburg-Vorpommern], ist Filmregisseur, Autor und Produzent. Als sein Hauptwerk gilt die »Deutschen Trilogie« mit den Filmen »Ludwig: Requiem für einen jungfräulichen König« [1972], » Karl May« [1974] und »Hitler: Ein Film aus Deutschland« [1977]. 10 Jahre Monologe mit Edith Clever führten zu

Paul Muldoon: On «The Lyrics» by Paul McCartney

Paul McCartney, lyricist and musician of the Beatles, chose Paul Muldoon to edit his 154 song lyrics, song-related essays, and autobiographical texts-written between 1956 and 2020. Over several years, the musician and the lyricist, both of Irish Catholic background, engaged in conversations about the creative process and McCartney’s output over