Science Year: Bioeconomy (2020/21)


Against the background of the climate crisis, a growing world population, and dwindling raw materials, the search for alter­native forms of economic activity is imperative. The bioeco­nomy is sustained by biological and renewable resources and thus creates a path away from a fossil fuel-driven economy. This brings new opportunities, but also risks for humans and nature. Can the bioeconomy provide a way out of the climate crisis? International authors present their visions in exclusi­vely written literary articles and shed light on them in ten dis­cussions with experts. From the role of trees in our ecosys­tems to the phenomenon of land grabbing and synthetic meat as food for the future, the events illustrate examples from everyday life, politics, and research. Political economist Maja Göpel [D], journalist Christiane Grefe [D] and energy eco­nomist Claudia Kemfert [D] will open the series together with author and environmentalist Andri Snaer Magnason [Ice­land]. Nino Bulling [D] and Lukas Jüliger [D] will present their thoughts in the form of comics, and at the end the poet and environmental activist Homero Aridjis will join philoso­pher Timothy Morton [USA] and political scientist Barbara Un­müßig [D] in speculating about the visions of the future – utopias and dystopias – that will emerge from the diverse strategies of a bioeconomy. In conjunction with the Science Year 2020/21 – Bioeconomy. In cooperation with the Heinrich Böll Foundation and the Futuri­um.

Further information on the project can be found at

Here you can find the program booklet.