Programmsparten: Literatures of the World

Jérôme Ferrari: In His Own Image

Auf Korsika begegnen Antonia, eine junge Fotografin, und Dragan, der einst als kroatischer Söldner im Jugoslawienkrieg gekämpft hat, einander wieder. Auf dem Heimweg verunglückt Antonia tödlich; bei ihrer Beerdigung hält ihr Patenonkel die Predigt. Durchsetzt mit essayistischen Passagen, geht der Roman des Goncourt-Preisträgers der Geschichte Korsikas ebenso nach wie Fragen

Sarah M. Broom: The Yellow House

In 1961, Sarah M. Broom’s mother bought a yellow wooden house in New Orleans. For more than four decades, it was the center of the family’s turbulent life until Hurricane Katrina wiped it off the map. »Sarah M. Broom’s debut is an indispensable text that explores the past, present, and

Elisa Shua Dusapin: The Pachinko Parlour

Claire’s grandfather runs a pachinko arcade in Tokyo. He and Claire’s grandmother are originally from Korea. But they haven’t been back since they fled the war. Now the granddaughter is trying to convince them to take a trip back to discover their roots. Winner of the Swiss Prize for Literature

Saša Stanišić: The Art of Fiction

Saša Stanišić, dessen Prosa mit zahlreichen renommierten Preisen wie dem Preis der Leipziger Buchmesse und dem Deutschen Buchpreis ausgezeichnet wurde, gilt als bedeutende literarische Stimme und Ausnahmetalent. Sein Erzählstil zeichnet sich durch Unmittelbarkeit und skurrilen Humor aus und ist »ein leuchtendes Beispiel einer Immigrantenpoetik, die mit Konventionen bricht und das

Faruk Šehić: Clockwork Stories

The EU Prize for Literature-winning writer, who counts himself among the so-called »overrun generation«, continues to tell stories about the trauma of war and the horror of peace in his volume of prose. Time is at the center of his texts – as an element, a dimension, a means, and

Lauren Groff: Matrix

The fictional biography of medieval poet Marie de France: disowned by the royal court at the age of seventeen, she finds a new home among nuns and transforms the convent into a place where women give each other everything they need. »Groff has written a beautiful, unclassifiable book, a queer

Elisa Shua Dusapin: Winter in Sokcho

He, a French comic artist, is a guest at the boarding house where she, a young South Korean woman, works. They meet in the freezing cold of Sokcho, a coastal town just outside of North Korea. The story of their relationship is told in clear, concentrated language. Awarded the Robert

Radka Denemarková: Stunden aus Blei

Along with historical digressions, quotations from Chinese classics and essayistic passages, this major political novel about contemporary China shows the development of individual characters in the resistance, but also criticizes European capitalism and Western arrogance. »The novel shows what it can mean to continue to hold on to hope for

Marit Kapla: Osebol

In her debut, the August Prize winner condenses the biographies of the forty remaining inhabitants of a forest village in Värmland, Sweden, into a moving, compelling hymn to ordinary people. »›Osebol‹ bears witness to ordinary lives. It gives us, unmediated, the voices of people who are usually unheard and invites

Pilar Quintana: Abyss

The fate of a girl who suffers from her parents’ conflicts is at the center of the family novel by Pilar Quintana, »one of the most powerful new voices from Latin America« [DLF Kultur]. The girl searches for a path to freedom and a different life in the tension between

Hernan Diaz: Trust

Based on Benjamin and Helen Rask, a glamorous couple in 1920s New York – he a financial baron, she the daughter of an aristocratic family – the novel explores the power of money. »…the uniquely brilliant way in which Diaz tells that story, as meticulously researched as it is narratively

Close-Up: Treffen junger Autor:innen

Every year, five prize winners of the Berliner Festspiele’s Treffen Junger Autor:innen are invited to the »Nahaufnahme« [close-up], this year Rania Daoudi, Idil Korkut, Cora Grohmann, Diana Röthlinger und Sophie Schollek. The aim is to encourage the young authors in their writing and support their path to a professional writing