ilb Jahre: 2014

Stefano Ricci

Stefano Ricci, born in 1966 in Bologna, lives and works as an artist and university lecturer in Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Italy. In the middle of the nineties, Ricci set up the comic magazine »Edition Mano« with Giovanna Anceschi and offered his services to the associated gallery. Since 1985, Ricci

Steffen Noack

Steffen Noack was born in Schleswig-Holstein in 1949. He studied at the University of Kiel, the Technical University of Berlin and the School of Education in Berlin. Since 1974, he has taught at various schools in Berlin while also giving lectures on the continuing education of teachers and serving as

Stefan Hertmans

Stefan Hertmans was born in Ghent in 1951. As a professor and director of studies at the University College in Ghent, he focused on art criticism, continental philosophy, hermeneutics and agogics (till 2010). In 2013, he was Visiting Professor at the University in Gent. He has given talks and lectures

Sonwabiso Ngcowa

Sonwabiso Ngcowa was born in 1985 in the village of Mpozisa in the South African province of Eastern Cape, and grew up in the Masiphumelele township near Cape Town. He was one of the few youths there to graduate from high school and after studying business management he worked for

Sonja Katharina Schiffers

Sonja Katharina Schiffers is currently finalizing her master’s degree in International Relations at the Free University of Berlin, focusing on democratization processes and EU relations with post-Soviet countries. In 2011, she received a B.A. in European Studies from Maastricht University. In early 2014, Schiffers completed an internship at the South

Shane Anderson

born in San Jose, California in 1982, studied philosophy at the University of California, Davis. In 2007/2008, he received a DAAD research grant for a project on Bertolt Brecht. Anderson has written his own piece for the stage (»Dogs, Wolves, Coyotes«, 2007) and in 2012 he published his first experimental

Shahin Najafi

Shahin Najafi born in 1980 in Bandar Anzali, studied sociology and is a poet and musician. After demands that his work be censored, he emigrated from Iran in 2005. In his work, he denounces the socio-metal problems and taboos and supports initiatives to promote human rights. In 2012, Najafi had

Sergey Lagodinsky

Sergey Lagodinsky was born in 1975 in Astrakhan, Soviet Union. He holds a degree in law from the University of Göttingen, in public administration from Harvard and a PhD in law from Berlin’s Humboldt University. He worked as a program director and political advisor to the American Jewish Committee, was

Sarnath Banerjee

Sarnath Banerjee, born in 1972 in Kolkata, is and Indian comic author, illustrator and publisher. After studying visual communications at Goldsmith College at the University of London, he published his first graphic novel »Corridor« in 2004. Like his later works, this book deals with the fast-changing Indian society and also

Sebastian 23

born as Sebastian Rabsahl in Duisburg in 1979, he studied philosophy. He performed at poetry slams and on television under his pseudonym from 2003 onwards and also published several of his sets on CD, among others as a member of the literary performing »boy group« Smaat. His books like »Schwerkraft

Samar Yazbek

Samar Yazbek was born in 1970 in Jableh, a small town on Syria’s Mediterranean shore. She studied Arabic literature in Lattakia and today worked as an editor for This website is dedicated to human rights, especially the rights and freedoms of women. She also edited and presented a cultural