ilb Jahre: 2010

Tishani Doshi

Tishani Doshi was born in 1975 in Madras, India. After finishing school she studied Communications and Business Administration in North Carolina, and Creative Writing in Baltimore. She returned to her hometown to work as a journalist and published articles and interviews in various British and Indian papers. At the same

Tobias Elsäßer

Tobias Elsäßer, born in 1973 in Stuttgart, was a big music fan as a child and, among other stage appearances, took the lead in the children’s musical »Max und Moritz«. He sang with the band Chase the Bird from 1992 to 1995 and was a member of the boy group

Tilman Rammstedt

was born in Bielefeld in 1975. He studied Philosophy and Literature. He contributes texts and music in the music and literary group Fön. In addition to his début, »Erledigungen vor der Feier« (2003; tr: Chores before the Celebration), he has published the novels »Wir bleiben in der Nähe« (2005; tr:

Thomas Steinfeld

born 1954 in Leverkusen, he studied German Language and Literature and Musicology, earning his Ph.D. with a dissertation on Hegel’s aesthetics. He worked for the »FAZ« and in 2001 switched to the »Süddeutschen Zeitung«, where he runs the cultural pages since 2007. Steinfeld concentrates on the development, the peculiarities and

Thomas Kumlehn

curator of exhibitions and events in Bernau. Born in 1959 in Potsdam, he studied Cultural Sciences in Berlin, and has worked as a freelance writer and musician since 1994. In 2001 he received a scholarship from the Cultural Funds Foundation in Berlin. In 2009/2010 he was awarded a fellowship grant

Tanja Stupar-Trifunović

born 1977 in Croatia, she studied Serbian Language and Literature. Poems and prose of the award-winning Bosnian author have been translated into English, German and Polish and published in anthologies at home and abroad. Her book »O čemu misle varvari dok doručkuju« (tr: What Barbarians Think about at Breakfast) was

Takis Theodoropoulos

Takis Theodoropoulos was born in Athens in 1954. He started his career as a journalist and was the first editor-in-chief of the culture magazine »TO TETARTO,« published by Manos Chatzidakis. He worked for the daily newspaper »TA NEA,« writing for the culture pages and reviewing books. Since 1998, he has

Swetlana Alexijewitsch

Svetlana Alexievich was born in 1948 in Ivano-Frankivsk (in the former USSR, modern-day Ukraine) to a Ukrainian mother and Belarusian father. She studied Journalism in Minsk, went on to work as a teacher and later became a reporter for various newspapers and magazines. While carrying out interviews as part of

T.O. Bobe

was born in Constanţa, Romania in 1960. After studying Literature and Classical Philology, he worked as a dramatist and writer for film and television. He also belonged to the Mircea Cărtărescu literary club. His lyrical, artful and often tragicomic prose makes Bobe one of the strongest and most significant voices

Sverre Henmo

Sverre Henmo was born in 1968 in Bærum, Norway. After graduating in Sociology, Music and French in Oslo, he decided against a career as a musician – he was later to become a teacher and author – and opted for writing instead. Nowadays he teaches writing courses and is involved,

Svetlana Carstean

was born in Botoș, Romania. She studied Romanian and French Literature and belonged to the Cărtărescu literary circle. As a freelance journalist, she worked for print and television and released several magazines and anthologies. Her highly emotional and playful poetry quickly earned her national and international attention, prizes and scholarships.

Sudabeh Mohafez

Sudabeh Mohafez was born in 1963 in Tehran, and grew up speaking three languages. She moved to the Federal Republic of Germany in 1979 with her German mother and Iranian father, where she studied Music, English Language and Literature and Pedagogy. After graduating she worked in various jobs, including running