ilb Jahre: 2002

Ouyang Jianghe

Ouyang Jianghe, a significant figure in modern Chinese poetry, was born in 1956 in Luzhou in the province of Sichuan. According to the »Down to the Countryside Movement«, he was sent to work as a tea grower after leaving school. From 1979 he did four years military service. Ouyang Jianghe

Norman Ohler

Norman Ohler was born in Zweibrücken, Rheinland-Pfalz, in 1970. After graduating from the renowned Hamburg School of Journalism, he wrote for »Der Spiegel« and »Stern«. »Geo« sent him to South Africa for a special issue on the country’s tumultuous transition from apartheid to democracy. In 1993 Ohler moved to New

Michel Deguy

Anthologies with texts by Michel Deguy have already appeared in the USA, Italy, Poland and Hungary but, so far, not in Germany.  Here, for some unknown reason, only fragments of his work, now covering a period of over fourty years, can be found scattered in several anthologies on French contemporary

Michael Krüger

born in Wittgendorf in 1943. Michael Krüger was a bookseller in London, a literary critic and an editor, before he became the director of Carl Hanser Verlag in 1986. Since 1981 he has published the literary journal »Akzente«. Krüger is one of the most important publishers in Germany and has

Michael Morpurgo

Michael Morpurgo was born in St. Albans, England, in 1943.  He is one of the most well-known authors of books for children and young people.  After studying in London he first had a job as a teacher and following that, he and his wife Clare went to Devon, where in

Mazisi Raymond Kunene

Mazisi Raymond Kunene was born in Durban, South Africa, in 1930.  He graduated from the University of Natal with a paper on traditional and modern Zulu poetry.  In 1959 he obtained a grant to complete his doctoral dissertation in London.  From this point on Kunene dedicated himself to the struggle for

Marco Mancassola

Guest at the ilb 2002 Marco Mancassola , born in 1973, lives in Padua and Rome.  He began his writing career in 1996 with short stories.  His first novel ‘Il modo senza di me’ appeared in Spring 2001.  He is currently working as a scriptwriter. © international literature festival berlin

Marcos Giralt Torrente

Marcos Giralt Torrente was born in Madrid in 1968. He studied philosophy and today works as literary critic for the renown daily newspaper “El País”. He began writing with stories which appeared, amongst others, collected in the volume “Entiéndame” (1995). In 1999, his first novel “París” came out, which was

Manuel Rivas

Manuel Rivas was born in the Galician port of La Coruña in 1957.  After completing his A-levels he went to Madrid to continue his education in information studies.  He wrote literary and journalistic pieces for various newspapers from a young age, and  he has kept up this double occupation of working

Luljeta Lleshanaku

Luljeta Lleshanaku is regarded as one of the leading representatives of recent Albanian lyric poetry.  She was born in Elbasan, Albania.  Her family, who during the time of the communist dictatorship were members of the political opposition, suffered heavy repression.  Therefore, Luljeta Lleshanaku grew up during the regime of  Enver

Luis García Montero

Luis García Montero was born in Granada in 1958 and belongs amongst the most successful contemporary Spanish poets. He completed his studies in Spanish literature at Granada University in 1981 and five years later he presented his doctoral thesis on the Spanish modernist Rafael Alberti.  Today he has the Chair for