The Future Of European Foreign Policy

The new China, the failure of the Arab Spring, Russia’s conquestof Crimea, the war in eastern Ukraine, Trump, Bolsonaro, and Erdogan ― these few buzzwords alone outline that a new era of world politics has begun, one that is accompanied by a sharp reversal of the democratic, libertarian impulses of the 1989/ 91 turn. The panel explores the question of how, in view of the contradiction between the ethical demands of human rights and autocratic systems, a European foreign policy could be formulated and realized that would also have a positive impact on the populations of the countries living in precisely these autocratic countries.
Tim Guldimann, former Ambassador of Switzerland to Germany in conversation with the writer Viktor Yerofeyev, former German ambassador to Beijing, Volker Stanzel, the journalist Ece Temelkuran, political consultant Daniela Schwarzer and Annegret Bendiek, Deputy Head of the Research Division EU/ Europe.

Event language: English


Sunday, 2021-09-12