Archives: Programm Archiv

Radka Denemarková: Stunden aus Blei

Der große politische Roman über das heutige China zeigt neben historischen Exkursen, Zitaten aus chinesischen Klassikern und essayistischen Passagen die Entwicklung einzelner Charaktere im Widerstand, kritisiert aber auch den europäischen Kapitalismus und westliche Arroganz. »Der Roman zeigt, was es bedeuten kann, trotz ungeheuerlicher Repression weiter festzuhalten an der Hoffnung auf

At the Peak of Book Art: Gerhard Steidl and the Steidl Publishing House

54 years ago, Gerhard Steidl set up a screen-printing workshop for prints and posters in his native Göttingen when he was 18. After founding Steidl Verlag in 1969 and working closely with Klaus Staeck, Joseph Beuys, Günter Grass, Karl Lagerfeld, and many others for many years, the early bird has

Thomas Von Steinaecker: Ende offen: Das Buch der gescheiterten Kunstwerke

The list of unfinished works in cultural history is long and spectacular, from Stanley Kubrick’s Napoleon film to David Foster Wallace’s novel »The Pale King«. In his essays, writer Thomas von Steinaecker tells stories of the failure of great artists and examines why works of art were not completed and

Philip Gourevitch and Anton Peez: Lessons From Rwanda

Mehr als 800 000 Menschen fielen dem Völkermord in Ruanda 1994 zum Opfer. Der Journalist und Autor Philip Gourevitch ist neun Jahre in Folge in das erschütterte Land gereist und spürt in seinen literarischen Porträts von Menschen aus Ruanda den psychologischen Nachwirkungen des Genozids nach. Anton Peez hat sich mit

Anabel Hernández: Emma y las otras Señoras del Narco

For more than fifteen years, the Mexican investigative journalist has dissected the world of Mexican drug traffickers, risking her life to report on corruption, violence, and organized crime. In her new book, she takes aim at the wives and mistresses of drug lords, examining the relationships between power, the entertainment

Sergei Loznitsa: Krotkaya / A Gentle Creature

After one of the packages she regularly sends to her husband in prison is returned, a woman travels to the remote prison town to look for him. She gets caught in a bureaucratic quagmire of violence, inhumanity, and lethargy. The journey increasingly becomes a nightmare. »Loznitsa’s cinematic design is the

Words of Love and Hate – Mieko Kawakami: Breasts and Eggs

On a hot summer day, thirty-year-old writer Natsuko is visited by her older sister Makiko and her daughter Midoriko in Tokyo. The three women come from working-class backgrounds and each struggle in their own way with their social gender, beauty norms, and the aging of their bodies. »Mieko Kawakami writes

David Van Reybrouck: Tegen Verkiezingen

The 2016 work that examines why voting is not democratic is a plea for a »birepresentative system« of popular representation with two chambers whose members are elected or drawn by lot. The lottery principle, already practiced in ancient Athens, can, according to Van Reybrouck, make our political system livelier today

WRITING, HISTORY, AND PROJECT 3541. With Maaza Mengiste

Vorgestellt wird das künstlerische und pädagogische Erinnerungsprojekt von dessen Gründerin Maaza Mengiste: Fotografien von Menschen während des Kriegs zwischen Äthiopien und Italien von 1935 bis 1941. Ein Teil der Dokumente stammt aus der Privatsammlung von Maaza Mengiste, deren Roman »Der Schattenkönig« die Geschichte dieses Kriegs und derer, die ihn erlebt