Archives: Programm Archiv

Kristina Sigunsdotter: Humlan Hanssons hemligheter

Four-day-workshop with sewing, woodwork and theater / Meeting with Kristina Sigunsdotter Neele has chicken pox. Back at school, her best friend Nour wants nothing to do with her and hangs out with the horse girls instead. Now she needs the support of her aunt Fanny, an artist. But Fanny is

Angeline Boulley: Firekeeper’s Daughter

Creative writing and performance workshop / Meeting with Angeline Boulley Daunis, daughter of a white mother and an indigenous father, is constantly searching for a sense of belonging, both on her tribe’s reservation and in her hometown. After a tragic blow, the FBI makes her an unexpected offer. In stirring

Gulraiz Sharif: Hør her’a!

Talk, reading, Q&A Mahmoud is 15 and prepares for the most boring summer holiday of his life. But things turn out differently: his family is visited by Uncle Ji from Pakistan, who looks at Mahmoud’s world with new eyes. When his sibling Ali comes out as trans, a conflict arises

Gulraiz Sharif: Hør her’a!

Creative writing and performance workshop / Meeting with Gulraiz Sharif Mahmoud is 15 and prepares for the most boring summer holiday of his life. But things turn out differently: his family is visited by Uncle Ji from Pakistan, who looks at Mahmoud’s world with new eyes. When his sibling Ali

Words of Love and Hate – Sabine Rufener: Der Wal im Garten

Talk, reading with picture book screening, live illustration, Q&A One morning, a full-grown whale lies in the garden of Lille’s house – on her bicycle, of all things. The animal is grumpy, but Lille is not impressed. The two become friends. He tells her about the deep sea, she slides

Bernardine Evaristo: Girl, Woman, Other

Gespräch, Lesung, Q&A Megan ist wild und trägt gerne Hosen. Streit ist vorprogrammiert, denn ihre Mutter wünscht sich eine brave, kleidertragende Tochter. Zusammen mit elf weiteren Mädchen und Frauen* of Color bildet Megan das Zentrum dieses mit dem Booker Prize ausgezeichneten Romans. Das literarisch atemberaubende Buch fächert die Kämpfe und

Sam Thompson: Wolfstongue

Gespräch, Lesung, Q&A Weil ihm oft die Worte fehlen, wird Silas in der Schule gemobbt. Mit der Rettung eines verletzten Wolfs katapultiert er sich in eine Welt sprechender Tiere, in der Wölfe in einer unterirdischen Stadt von hinterhältigen Füchsen unterdrückt werden. Silas kann den Wölfen helfen, doch dafür muss er

Sam Thompson: Wolfstongue

Talk, reading, Q&A Since he often lacks words, Silas is bullied at school. By rescuing an injured wolf, he catapults himself into a world of talking animals, where wolves in an underground city are oppressed by sneaky foxes. Silas can help the wolves, but to do so he must finally

Sam Thompson: Wolfstongue

Dance and bodypercussion workshop / Meeting with Sam Thompson Since he often lacks words, Silas is bullied at school. By rescuing an injured wolf, he catapults himself into a world of talking animals, where wolves in an underground city are oppressed by sneaky foxes. Silas can help the wolves, but

Paula Carballeira: O Princípio

Storytelling theater workshop / Meeting with Paula Carballeira When the war reaches their town, a mother and father flee with their two children. Their car now becomes their new place to live and sleep. Despite the exhausting flight, a hopeful time begins for the children, in which laughter, play and

Paula Carballeira: O Princípio

Talk, reading with picture book screening, Q&A When the war reaches their town, a mother and father flee with their two children. Their car now becomes their new place to live and sleep. Despite the exhausting flight, a hopeful time begins for the children, in which laughter, play and adventure

Words of Love and Hate – Sabine Rufener: Der Wal im Garten

Theater workshop / Meeting with Sabine Rufener One morning, a full-grown whale lies in the garden of Lille’s house – on her bicycle, of all things. The animal is grumpy, but Lille is not impressed. The two become friends. He tells her about the deep sea, she slides off his