new german voices yulia marfutova: der himmel vor hundert jahren / cihan acar: hawaii

In a »tableau of poetic reduction« [Tagesspiegel], Russian-­born Yulia Marfutova [participates via live stream] tells of a Russian village at the time of the fall of tsarist rule and of the effects big politics has on little people. Nominated for the Aspekte Prize 2020, Cihan Acar´s »Hawaii« is about Kemal Arslan, whose career as a professional soccer player in Turkey is cut short after an injury. Back in Heilbronn, he is driven by self-doubt and confronted with everyday racism. The fine comedy of this debut »feeds, among other things, on Acar´s excellent sense of the different vernaculars incorporated into the dialogues.« [SZ]

Event language: German


Saturday, 2021-09-11