Confessions and dog ears – ckecked in with Tatia Nadareischwili

Tatia Nadareischwili [© Joel Sames / Baobab Books]
Tatia Nadareischwili [© Joel Sames / Baobab Books]

We introduce the authors of the 22nd ilb – with questions about writing, reading and unfinished reading.

Confession time: Which major classic have you started… but not finished?
»Steppenwolf« by Hermann Hesse, but it was just because I started it at the wrong age. I will definitely get back to it.

The age-old question: hardback or paperback? And why?
Hardback definitely, I’m a picture-book person and almost 100% of them are hardbacks. Also, when I look at a hardback book, I imagine how it’s done, how they have bound it, with cardboards and flyleaves.

If an unpublished book was to be discovered by an author, which author would you want that to be?
Roald Dahl, simply because he is one of my favorites.

The essential question: bookmarks or dog ears?
Bookmarks for sure and always! I never do dog ears, it damages the paper and that is a crime against the book.

Which book is on your nightstand just now?
It’s my Kindle this time, with Sally Rooney’s »Beautiful World, Where Are You«.

Which is your favorite book store in the whole world?
»Mundo Azul« in Berlin, they have the most extraordinary children’s books from all over the world.

Who was your greatest discovery of the year so far? And why?
Not a particular one – different poets from different countries. I loved poetry when I was younger and then at some point, I stopped reading it completely, now I started again and realized how much I missed it.

If you were allowed to read only one book for the rest of your life, what would it be?
I can’t imagine that, really.

Where do you prefer to write, and why?
I illustrate more than I write, but whatever I do, I prefer working in my working room, where everything is related to my work. I have my tools, books and everything there and it is essential for me to be alone, I can’t be productive when other people are around.

We look forward to welcoming Tatia Nadareishvili to this years’ international literature festival berlin in September. The events in connection with her book »Tina hat Mut« are part of the section International Children’s and Young Adult Literature.