Category: Refugees Worldwide

El Salvador

El Salvador is one of the countries in Central America whose inhabitants are feeling more and more pressured to leave the country as a result of increasing violence. In Mexico, asylum applications written by refugees from El Salvador nearly quadrupled between 2013 and 2015. A large proportion of those refugees


Brazil has been shaped by centuries of immigration from all continents. In the last years, the biggest South American state was repeatedly chosen as the destination of many refugees (for example Haitians after the earthquake in 2010). When compared to other South American countries, Brazil has taken in the most

Now available in bookshops: Refugees Worldwide 3

The third volume of our series “Refugees Worldwide” has now been published and is available in bookshops as a print or e-publication. Fifteen authors from Germany and abroad share their stories, dreams and visions, their own ideas of belonging and the political, media and social treatment of migration. Many thanks