Wolodymyr Wjatrowytsch
- Ukraine
- Zu Gast beim ilb: 2010
born in the Ukrainian city of Lviv in 1977, is a doctor of History and wrote about the crimes of Stalinism in the Ukraine. Between 2008 and March 2010, he was head of the SBU Archive (Ukrainian Secret Service) – during the time when the former President Yushchenko decided to make parts of the KGB archives accessible to the public. After the election of Viktor Yanukovych, Vyatrovych was removed from his position.
Ukrainian Nationalists Organization attitude to Jews
Making mind in times of catastrophe
Lviv, 2006
Ukrainian Insurgent Army
History of Unconquered
Center for Research of Liberation Movement,
Ukrainian National Memory Institute
Lviv, 2007
Who strives for »reconsideration« of history and with what aim
In: Dzerkalo Tyzhnia, No 12 (691), 2008