Tilman Vogt
born in 1983, studied political science with a focus on political theory and religion in Berlin and Paris. He worked for the Department of Political Theory and History of Ideas at the Freie Universität in Berlin. He has also worked in journalism, and freelanced as an editor and translator for Suhrkamp. He has been with Matthes & Seitz Berlin since 2013, and was the editor on Jürgen Goldstein’s biography »Georg Forster«, which won the 2016 Leipzig Book Fair Prize for Non-Fiction.
Jürgen Goldstein
Georg Forster
Zwischen Freiheit und Naturgewalt
Matthes & Seitz Berlin
Berlin, 2015
Philipp Felsch/Frank Witzel
BRD Noir
Matthes & Seitz Berlin
Berlin, 2016