Thomas Pletzinger
Thomas Pletzinger, born in Münster in 1975, studied American Languages and Literature in Hamburg and at the German Institute for Literature in Leipzig. The critics enthusiastically praised his debut novel »Bestattung eines Hundes« (2008; tr.: Funeral of a dog), for which he received the Uwe Johnson Young Writers’ Award. For his literary basketball portrait »Gentlemen, wir leben am Abgrund« (2012; tr.: Gentlemen, we live at the abyss) he accompanied the Albatros basketball team of Berlin for one season. Pletzinger lives in Berlin.
Bestattung eines Hundes
Kiepenheuer & Witsch
Köln, 2008
Gentlemen, wir leben am Abgrund
Kiepenheuer & Witsch
Köln, 2012