Tanguy Viel
- France
- Zu Gast beim ilb: 2007
Tanguy Viel was born in Brest in 1973. He worked at a theatre in Tours, produced radio programmes for France Culture and writes reviews for various journals, including »Positif« and »Inventaire/Invention«. Following »Le Black Note« (1998) Viel has published three further novels, the most recent of which appeared in German translation in 2007 under the title »Unverdächtig« (see the ARTE website for a review of the book). The author lives in Meung-sur-Loire.
© international literature festival berlin
Le black note
Éd. de Minuit
Paris, 1998
Tout s’explique
Paris, 2000
Éd. de Minuit
Paris, 2001
L’ absolue perfection du crime
Éd. de Minuit
Paris, 2001
Paris, 2002
Berlin, 2007
[Ü: Hinrich Schmidt-Henkel]
Übersetzer: Hinrich Schmidt-Henkel