Simon Gronowski
- Belgium
- Zu Gast beim ilb: 2013
born in Brussels in 1931, Gronowski is the youngest survivor of »Transport 20« to Auschwitz. He was freed by the Belgian Resistance. His book »L’enfant du 20e convoi« (2002; tr.: The child of the 20th convoy) deals with this experience. Together with artist Koenraad Tinel he recently published »Ni victime, ni coupable. Enfin libérés« (2013; tr.: Neither victim, nor guilty. Finally released). Gronowski is a lawyer, a jazz pianist and the former President of the Association of Belgian Deportees. He lives in Brussels.
L’enfant du 20e convoi
Éditions Luc Pire
Liège, 2002
Simon, le petit évadé
Éditions Luc Pire
Liège, 2005
Ni victime, ni coupable – Enfin libérés
[Zs. mit Koenraad Tinel und David Van Reybrouck]
La Renaissance du livre
Waterloo, 2013