Sandrine Micossé-Aikins
- Germany
- Zu Gast beim ilb: 2018
is an art specialist focusing on, inter alia, racism, empowerment in art, and the impact of colonial images and body politics. She co-founded the Bündnis Kritischer Kulturpraktiker*innen as well as the Inititative Bühnenwatch. Together with Sharon Dodua Otoo, she edited the anthology »The Little Book of Big Visions: How to Be an Artist and Revolutionize the World« (2012). Since 2016, she has directed the office of the Berliner Projektfonds Kulturelle Bildung.
Weißsein und Kunst
Neue postkoloniale Analysen
V&R unipress
Göttingen, 2015
Decolonize the City!
Zur Kolonialität der Stadt
Münster, 2017