Robert Irwin
- United Kingdom
- Zu Gast beim ilb: 2011
Robert Irwin born in the UK in 1946 and studied Modern History at Oxford. He taught Arabic and the History of the Middle East in London, Cambridge, and Oxford, and Medieval History in St. Andrews. The historian has published many novels and studies dealing with the politics, arts, and mysticism of the Orient. His book »For Lust of Knowing« is a critical analysis of Edward Said’s theory of orientalism. Robert Irwin lives in London.
© internationales literaturfestival berlin
Die Welt von Tausendundeiner Nacht
Frankfurt a. M./Leipzig, 1997
[Ü: Wiebke Walther]
For Lust of Knowing
The Orientalists and their Enemies
Allen Lane/Penguin
London, 2006
Memoirs of a Dervish
Profile Books
London, 2011