Rashid al-Da’if
- Lebanon
- Zu Gast beim ilb: 2005
Rashid al-Da’if was born in 1945 in Ehden, Lebanon. Despite the modest conditions of his upbringing, he attended school, studied Arabic Literature at the Lebanese University, and completed two doctorates at Paris. Al-Daif is considered a compelling chronicler of the transformations in Lebanon and an innovative representative of the Arabic Nouveau Roman. In 1979 he published his first book of poems in a new lyric tone. His novel »Fusha mustahdafa bayna l-nu’as wa-l-nawm« (1986; t: Delivered between fatigue and sleep) deals with personal traumatic experience of the war in Lebanon, and his 1995 novel »Azizi al-sayyid Kawabata« (1995; Eng. »Dear Mr. Kawabata«, 1999) was published to considerable international acclaim. He has taught at the Lebanese University in Beirut since 1974.
© international literature festival berlin
Hina halla al-sayf `alá al-sayf
Dar al-Farabi
Beirut, 1979
La shay’ yafuqu al-wasf
Manshurat Lubnan al-Jadid
Beirut, 1980
Dar Ab`ad lil-Tiba`ah wa-al-Nashr wa-al-Tawzi
Beirut, 1983
Fushah mustahdafah bayna al nu as wa-al-nawm
Beirut, 1986
Ahl al-zill
Beirut, Lubnan, 1987
Taqniyat al-bu’s
Beirut, 1989
Ghaflat al-turab
Beirut, Lubnan, 1991
Ayy thalj yahbutu bi-salam
Beirut, 1993
Azizi al-sayyid Kawabata
Beirut, 1995
Nahiyat al-bara’ah
al-Masar lil-Nashr wa-al-Abhath wa-al-Tawthiq
Beirut, 1997
Lirningh Inghlish
Dar al-nahar lil-nashr
Beirut, 2001
Tastafilu Miril Strip
Riyad al-Rayyis lil-Kutub wa-al-Nashr
Beirut, 2001
This Side of Innocence
Interlink Books
New York, 2001
Übersetzung: Paula Haydar
Insi al-sayyarah
Riyad al-Rayyis lil-Kutub wa-al-Nashr
Beirut, 2002
Ma’bad yanjahu fi Baghdad
Riyad al-Rayyis lil-Kutub wa-al-Nashr
Beirut, 2005
Die Verschwulung der Welt
[mit Joachim Helfer]
Frankfurt/Main, 2006
Übersetzung: Günther Orth