Petro Rychlo
- Ukraine
- Zu Gast beim ilb: 2023
Petro Rychlo, born in Ukraine, is a Professor of Foreign Literature and Literary Theory at the Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University.. His research focuses on 20th-century German-speaking authors, German-Ukrainian literary relations, and the German-speaking literature of Bukovina. Rychlo has gained recognition for his numerous translations into Ukrainian, notably the first complete edition of Paul Celan’s poems in 10 volumes (2013-2020). Other recent publications include »Mit den Augen von Zeitgenossen. Erinnerungen an Paul Celan« (2020; tr: Through the Eyes of Contemporaries: Memories of Paul Celan) and the monograph »Stationen poetischer Entwicklung: Paul Celans Gedichtbände in chronologisch historischer Folge« (2022; tr: Stages of Poetic Development: Paul Celan’s Poetry Volumes in Chronological Historical Order). In 2016 Petro Rychlo launched the cultural project »Bukowinisch-Galizische Literaturstraße«, which lists both installed monuments and translations of German-language texts into Ukrainian with regard to the German-speaking writers who originated and worked in this region. In May 2023, Rychlo published a documentary volume of the same title (2023; tr: Bukovinian-Galician Literary Route) together with Helga von Loewenich.