Peter Bofinger
born in 1954, is an economist, and professor of economics at the University of Würzburg. He studied economics at the University of Saarland in Saarbrücken, where he wrote his doctoral thesis in 1984 on monetary competition and qualified as a professor in 1990. Bofinger has been a member of the German Council of Economic Experts since 2004. His research focuses, inter alia, on monetary, European integration and energy policies.
Wir sind besser als wir Glauben
Wohlstand für alle
Pearson Studium
München, 2004
Ist der Markt noch zu retten?
Warum wir jetzt einen starken Staat brauchen
Berlin, 2009
Zurück zur D-Mark?
Droemer Knaur
München, 2012