Paolo Flores D’Arcais
- Italy
- Zu Gast beim ilb: 2003
Paolo Flores D’Arcais was born in Cervignano del Friuli, Italy, in 1944. He wrote his doctoral thesis on Adam Smith and Karl Marx, and is now a researcher in the philosophical faculty of La Sapienza University in Rome. He is editor of the magazine ‘MicroMega’ and has also written for various newspapers, including ‘El País’ and the ‘FAZ’. Several of his texts have been published in German, including ‘L’individuo libertario’ (1997). He is considered one of the most important critics of the Italian left and confirmed this with his book “Il sovrano e il dissidente” (2004; t: The sovereign and the dissident). In this political polemic paper, he pleaded to fully exercise one’s democratic rights. In “Dio esiste?” (2006; t: Is there God?) he and Joseph Ratzinger – before being elected Pope – discuss religion from a theleological and left-philosophical point of view.
© international literature festival berlin
Il piccolo sinistrese illustrato
Mailand, 1978
Il dubbio e la certezza: nei dintorni del marxismo e oltre (1971-1981)
Milano, 1982
Esistenza e libertà: a partire da Hannah Arendt
Genova, 1990
Oltre il PCI: per un partito libertario e riformista
Genova, 1990
La rimozione permanente: il futuro della sinistra e la critica del comunismo
Genova, 1991
Etica senza fede
Torino, 1992
Libertärer Existenzialismus: Zur Aktualität der Theorie von Hannah Arend
Neue Kritik
Frankfurt/Main, 1993
Il disincanto tradito
Bollati Boringhieri, 1994
Hannah Arendt: esistenza e libertà
Roma, 1995
Il populismo italiano da Craxi a Berlusconi
Roma, 1996
Die Linke und das Individuum: Ein politisches Pamphlet
Berlin, 1997
L’individuo libertario: percorsi di filosofia morale e politica nell’orizzonte del finito
Torino, 1999
Die Demokratie bei Wort nehmen. Der Souverän und der Dissident
Berlin, 2004
Gibt es Gott? Wahrheit, Glaube, Atheismus (mit Joseph Ratzinger)
Berlin, 2006
Il ventennio populista: da Craxi a Berlusconi (passando per D’Alema?)
Roma, 2006
Hannah Arendt: esistenza e libertà, autenticità e politica
Roma, 2006
Atei o credenti?: filosofia, politica, etica, scienza
[mit Michel Onfray, Gianni Vattimo]
Roma, 2007
Übersetzer: Friederike Hausmann, Ulrich Hausmann, Roland H. Wiegenstein