Nicolae Dabija
- Moldova
- Zu Gast beim ilb: 2010
born 1948 in Codreni, completed his Journalism studies in 1976 and was a representative of the Soviets in the USSR, where he fought for the recognition of Romanians in Moldavia. Since 1986, Dabija has been editor in chief of the Moldavian magazine »Literatura şi Arta« (tr. Literature and Art) as well as founder and head of the Democratic Forum of Romanians in Moldavia. For his work, he was awarded the Romanian Republic’s highest honour, the order of the Steaua României. He lives in Chişinău.
Pe urmele lui Orfeu
Hyperion, 1990
La est de vest
Ed. Fundaţiei
Fundaţia Scrisul Românesc, 2001
Însemnări de pe front
Scrisori din Basarabia
Fundaţia Scrisul Românesc, 2002