Marko Pogačar
- Croatia
- Zu Gast beim ilb: 2020
Marko Pogačar was born in Split in 1984. After leaving school in his hometown, he studied comparative literature and history at the University of Zagreb and began a doctorate in a multidisciplinary area between literary, cultural, and film studies.
Pogačar has published five collections of poems so far. His debut was »Pijavice nad Santa Cruzom« (2006; tr: Vortex over Santa Cruz), which was enthusiastically praised by the critics and received the Narvh Jezika Award for the best poetry collection of a writer under 35 as well as the Kvirin Award. One year later he published his second anthology »Poslanice običnim ljudima« (2007; tr: Letters to Ordinary People). His third book of poetry »Predmeti« (2009; tr: Objects) made him an important representative of the Croatian literary industry. Pogačar’s poems combine fragmentary images. His lyrical Ego meanders between philosophy, politics, pop culture, everyday observations and reflections on his own language: »My language is Mecca / the fleshy fist, Macchia, / a plant that catches fire.« Restlessly and overwhelmed by the associations and rhythms of his own verses, the young poet presents himself as a man who is obsessed with and driven by language, and who always knows how to experiment with forms and contents. His poetry has been translated into more than twenty languages, and published in many international anthologies and magazines. Selected poems first appeared in the German language under the title »An die verlorenen Hälften« (tr: To the Lost Halves) in 2010. This edition was followed by German-Croatian »Schwarzes Land« (tr: Black Country) in 2015. Apart from poetry, Pogačar has published a series of essays, reviews, and interviews. In addition, he has published prose, including the short story collection »Bog neće pomoći« (2012; tr.: God Will Not Help), as well as travel books.
Pogačar was editor, critic, and copyeditor for the literary magazines »Quorum« and »Zarez«, and was the drummer for the post-punk band Death Disco. He is the director of the oldest and largest Croatian poetry festival, Goranovo proljeće (Goran’s Spring). He released an anthology with texts by young Croatian poets in 2014. He has been a guest of the Literary Colloquium Berlin, the International Writers House Graz, and has received a scholarship from the Brandenburger Tor Foundation. He is a 2020 guest of the DAAD Artists-in-Berlin Program.
Pijavice nad Santa Cruzom
Zagreb, 2006
Poslanice običnim ljudima
Zagreb, 2007
Zagreb, 2009
An die verlorenen Hälften
Edition Korrespondenzen
Wien, 2010
[Ü: Alida Bremer]
Atlas glasova
Zagreb, 2011
Jer mi smo mnogi
Zagreb, 2011
Bog neće pomoći
Zagreb, 2012
Crna pokrajina
Zagreb, 2013
Jugoton gori!
Zagreb, 2013
Schwarzes Land
Edition Korrespondenzen
Wien, 2015
[Ü: Alida Bremer]
Slijepa karta
Zaprešić, 2016
Zemlja Zemlja
Zaprešić, 2017
Pobuna čuvara
Čitati noću
Novi Sad, 2018