Marina Litwinenko
- Russia, United Kingdom
- Zu Gast beim ilb: 2007
Marina Litwinenko was born in Russia in 1962. A trained dancer, she met her future husband in 1993, the Russian ex-spy and critic of the Kremlin Alexander Litwinenko, who was murdered last November with the radioactive substance Polonium-210. In June, „Death of a Dissident“ was published by Marina Litwinenko and Alex Goldfarb. It describes the complicated historical and political background of the still-unsolved murder. Marina Litwinenko has been a British citizen since 2001. She lives with her son in London.
© international literature festival berlin
Tod eines Dissidenten
[mit Alex Goldfarb]
Hoffmann & Campe
Hamburg, 2007
[Ü: Violeta Topalova]
Übersetzer: Violeta Topalova