Krystyna Dabrowska
- Poland
- Zu Gast beim ilb: 2016
born in 1979, is a Polish lyricist and translator. She studied graphic design at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw and made her debut with a volume of poetry titled »Biuro podróży« (tr. Travel agency). Six years later she published a second book of poems, »Białe krzesła« (tr. White chairs), for which she received the Wisława Szymborska Prize and the Kościelski Award. Dąbrowska was a guest of the Literarisches Colloquium Berlin (lcb) in 2015.
Biuro podróży
Zielona Sowa
Warschau, 2006
Białe krzesła
Poznań, 2012
Czas i przesłona
Wydawnictwo Znak
Krakau, 2014