Sybille Krämer
- Germany
- Zu Gast beim ilb: 2019
born in 1951 in Trier, is a professor of theoretical philosophy, with research foci on philosophy of language, media theory, cultural techniques of formalization and digitization. From 1989 until 2018, she taught at the FU Berlin, and is now senior professor at the Leuphana University of Lüneburg. In a wide-ranging treatise, she proposed a metaphysical approach that constitutes the medium as a messenger. In 2015, she edited an anthology on the Victorian computer pioneer Ada Lovelace.
Geist, Hirn, Künstliche Intelligenz
Zeitgenössische Modelle des Denkens
De Gruyter
Berlin/New York, 1994
Medium, Bote, Übertragung
Kleine Metaphysik der Medialität
Frankfurt a. M., 2008
Ada Lovelace
Die Pionierin der Computertechnik und ihre Nachfolgerinnen
Wilhelm Fink
Paderborn, 2015