Kazimierz Wóycicki
- Poland
- Zu Gast beim ilb: 2010
born in Warsaw in 1949, studied Philosophy in Lublin. As a journalist he maintained ties with the democratic opposition in the GDR and was detained during a time of martial law. From 1985 to 1986, Wóycicki was awarded a scholarship from the Adenauer Foundation and studied History in Freiburg im Breisgau. He later worked for the BBC. He led the Polish Institute in Düsseldorf (1996-99), was from 2004 on director of the IPN (Institute of National Remembrance) in Szczecin. In 2007, he received the German Federal Cross of Merit. He lives in Warsaw, where he teaches at the University.
Niemiecki rachunek sumienia
Niemcy wobec przeszłości 1933−1945
Atut − Wrocławskie Wydawnictwo Oświatowe
Wrocław, 2004/2005
Jak rozmawiać z Niemcami
O trudnościach dialogu polsko-niemieckiego i jego europejskim wyzwaniu
[Mit Waldemar Czachur]
Atut − Wrocławskie Wydawnictwo Oświatowe
Wrocław, 2009