Jeanette Erazo Heufelder
- Germany
- Zu Gast beim ilb: 2011, 2018
Jeanette Erazo Heufelder, born in Bavaria to an Ecuadorian father and a German mother in 1964. She studied cultural anthropology in Munich, received a PhD from Marburg, and subsequently conducted field studies in the Andes and on the Galapagos Islands. She worked as a university lecturer before going on to write screenplays for documentaries, releasing portraits of Latin-American artists and female human rights activists. In her books she also dedicates herself to the phenomenology of social violence, for example, in her biographic essay »Gloria Cuartas« (1999), about a Colombian female mayor, which was released under the patronage of the UNESCO; or in »Der Smaragdkönig« (»The Emerald King«, 2005), a literary reportage about the world of the mine workers and the dons in the emerald valleys of Colombia, which was nominated for the Lettre-Ulysses-Award; or in her reportage »Drogenkorridor Mexico« (»Drug Corridor Mexico«, 2011). The author lives in Potsdam.
Göttingen, 1999
Der Smaragdkönig
Victor Carranza und das grüne Gold der Anden
München, 2005
Drogenkorridor Mexiko
Berlin, 2011