Gabriele Goettle
- Germany
- Zu Gast beim ilb: 2010
born 1946 in Aschaffenburg, she studied Sculpture, then Literature, Religion and Art History in Berlin. She began her literary and journalistic career in 1976 as co-editor of the anarcho-feminist magazine »Die schwarze Botin«. Since the 1980s she has written essays for the »Zeit« and »Konkret« among others. Her literary essays have appeared for 25 years in the monthly »Freibank« in the »taz«. In 1996 she received the Ben Witter Prize, in 1999 the Schubart Literature Prize of the City of Aalen and in 2002 Hans Magnus Enzensberger gave her the prize money from his Ludwig Börne Prize.
Deutsche Sitten
Frankfurt/Main, 1991
Die Ärmsten!
Wahre Geschichten aus dem arbeitslosen Leben
Frankfurt/Main, 2000
Frankfurt/Main 2004
Wer ist Dorothea Ridder?
Rekonstruktion einer beschädigten Erinnerung
Edition Tiamat
Berlin, 2009