Fredrik Sjöberg
- Sweden
- Zu Gast beim ilb: 2018
born in 1958, studied biology and geology and works as a journalist, literary critic, writer, and translator. His novel »Flugfällan« (2004; Eng. »The Fly Trap«, 2014) was nominated for the August Prize. In 2009, his hoverfly collection was displayed at the Biennale in Venice. A selection of his stories and essays was published in »Varför håller man på?« (2012; tr: Why Do You Do It?). Sjöberg lives on Runmarö island near Stockholm.
Die Fliegenfalle
Über das Glück der Versenkung in seltsame Passionen, die Seele des Sammlers, Fliegen und das Leben mit der Natur
Frankfurt a. M., 2008
[Ü: Paul Berf]
Wozu macht man das alles?
Geschichten und Essays
München, 2016
[Ü: Paul Berf]