Frank Schätzing
Frank Schätzing was born in Cologne in 1957. His first book, the historical novel ‘Tod und Teufel’ (t: Death and devil) was published in 1995. This was followed by several novels and short stories that were published in anthologies and the volume ‘Keine Angst’ (t: Do not fear). His internationally successful ecological thriller ‘Der Schwarm’ (Eng. ‘The Swarm’, 2006) was awarded numerous prizes, among them the German Science Fiction Prize and the German Prize of the Detective Novel. The film rights were sold in 2006. Schätzing’s latest book, “Nachrichten aus einem unbekannten Universum” (2006; t: News from an unknown universe) takes up themes from “Der Schwarm” and is a non-fiction book that traces the evolutionary history of an ‘unknown universe’ – the sea – as well as being a thriller about Captain Nemo going on a dive trip. Frank Schätzing is creative director of an advertising agency. His ecothriller ‘Der Schwarm’ ranks currently top of the German bestseller list.
© international literature festival berlin
Tod und Teufel
Köln, 1995
Köln, 1996
Keine Angst
Köln, 1997
Köln, 2002
Der Schwarm
Kiepenheuer & Witsch
Köln, 2005
Die dunkle Seite
RM-Buch- und Medien-Vertrieb
Rheda-Wiedenbrück, 2005
Nachrichten aus einem unbekannten Universum
Kiepenheuer & Witsch
Köln, 2006