Daniel Cohn-Bendit
- France, Germany
- Zu Gast beim ilb: 2002, 2014, 2022
born in Montauban, France, in 1945, became known in May 1968 as a spokesman for the rebelling Paris students. After his expulsion from France, Cohn-Bendit became involved in the Frankfurt spontaneous scene, led the debate against left-wing terrorism in the magazine »Pflasterstrand«, which he edited, and belonged to the realo wing of the Green Party from the early 1980s. From 1989 to 1997, he led what was then the first Office for Multicultural Affairs. From 1994 to 2014, Cohn-Bendit was a member of the European Parliament, for which he ran alternately in Germany and France, achieving top results for the Greens on each occasion. Cohn-Bendit is the recipient of the Hannah Arendt Prize [2001] and the Theodor Heuss Prize [2013], among others. In 2018, he published »Sous les crampons la plage« [tr: Under the Cleats of the Beach], his autobiography told through the lens of soccer and politics.
Date: 2022
Gewaltkur gegen die Alterskrankheit des Kommunismus
Reinbek, 1968
[Ü: Wolfgang Brokmeier u. a.]
Der große Basar
Gespräche mit Michel Lévy, Jean-Marc Salmon, Maren Sell
München, 1975
[Ü: Thomas Hartmann]
Wir haben sie so geliebt, die Revolution
Frankfurt a. M., 1987
[Ü: Wolfgang Geiger, Hermann Jäger u. Hanka Leszczynska]
Einwanderbares Deutschland oder Vertreibung aus dem Wohlstands-Paradies?
[Hg. Seyed Shahram Iranbomy]
Frankfurt a. M., 1991
Heimat Babylon
Das Wagnis der multikulturellen Demokratie
[mit Thomas Schmid]
Hoffmann und Campe
Hamburg, 1992
Euro für alle
Das Währungswörterbuch
[mit Olivier Duhamel]
Köln, 1998
[Ü: Ronald Voullié u. Rainer Sprengel]
Sois jeune et tais-toi
Esprit frappeur
Paris, 1998
Quand tu seras président
[mit Bernhard Kouchner]
Robert Laffond
Paris, 2004
Unter den Stollen der Strand
Kiepenheuer und Witsch
Köln, 2020
[Ü: Frank Sievers]